CYBERSPACE—Dingfoo, a sex toy manufacturer that creates OEM sex toys for Durex, has introduced a new patented brush vibrator. When Dingfoo was researching sex toys, the researchers discovered that vibrating brushes provide sexual stimulation to women.
Women buy beauty brushes as makeup tools. Beauty bloggers say, "If you choose the wrong brush, no matter how expensive your makeup is, it will be in vain!" The difference between applying makeup with fingers and using tools is also obvious.
For a long time, improving the speed and uniformity of the foundation has been a persistent problem. During testing by female staff, they found that using a vibrating brush to apply liquid foundation can make it more even, and there is no need to pat the face.
Dingfoo's new product features two high-speed vibrators. One has rotating vibrating beads that provide a soothing sensation to the entire body and promote better blood circulation in facial muscles. The other vibrator powers the brush, causing it to vibrate with a shaking motion. This added shaking force makes the powder application more even, and the resulting vibrations contribute to smoother skin.
In June 2023, the product was launched in Milan, Italy, and immediately received a large number of orders from both the beauty and fashion industry and Italian sex toy brands. Dingfoo has embarked on a major initiative to introduce a range of products that bridge the gap between beauty and sex toys. These new products include the Air Suspension Vibrating Ball, the Sensation Instant Tightener for Women, the Steel Bead Vibrator, the Remote-Controlled Multi-Motor Massage Bra, and more. The main goal of Dingfoo is to empower women to quickly enhance their beauty within a happy lifestyle.
Founder of Dingfoo and specialist in human sexuality, Andre Liu said, "The design and manufacturing processes for sex toys and beauty products are quite similar. Integrating sex toys with beauty tools allows for easier dissemination on various online news platforms without violating platform rules."