Aneros Goes Blue for September, National Prostate Health Month

HOUSTONAneros, maker of acclaimed prostate massagers, will turn its official colors from red to blue in September to raise awareness about prostate health and honor those suffering from related issues. Blue is the official color of National Prostate Health Month.

“When it comes down to it, nothing is more important than personal health,” said Brent Aldon, director of sales and marketing for Aneros, “September is such an important month as National Prostate Health Month; we want to help bring more awareness and education to the masses. Whether you have a prostate or know someone that does, prostate-related health issues are important to who Aneros is as a company and brand. ‘Going Blue’ for September helps to signify the importance of this month and these issues.”

The American Foundation for Urological Disease, now known as the Urology Care Foundation, first designated September as National Prostate Health Month in 1999, which later led the United States government to officially designate September as National Prostate Health Month in 2015. Aneros plans to focus on content related to prostate health on social media and host a sale on prostate massagers on its website,

National Prostate Health Month was established to increase public awareness of the issues surrounding overall prostate health and prostate cancer. During the month, health professionals around the country present educational activities and seminars about prostate risk factors, health issues and prostate cancer, as well as access to health screenings and prostate cancer screenings.

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