Zero Tolerance Toys Shipping New Items

LOS ANGELES—Zero Tolerance Toys announces the release of two new items from its line of men's products.

If you're looking for a long-lasting lube in a silky silicone formulation, you need Zero Tolerance Toys' new Silicone Jack-Aide. Formulated for intense masturbation, this thick and viscous silicone lube gives you a nice, smooth ride that never gets sticky or tacky. Use it alone or with a partner, as it's completely body safe, vaginal safe, condom safe and fragrance free. And don't worry about your bed sheets because this lube washes off easily.

Looking for a thorough way to clean your toys? There's the Foaming Masturbator Cleanser and Sanitizer from Zero Tolerance Toys. The tiny foam bubbles can access nooks and crannies that soap and water alone may miss, and because it's a disinfectant, you can clean the battery compartment too, wiping it down after instead of using water. This cleanser is conveniently safe for all toy materials—silicone, TPR, latex and rubber—and is great for use with vibrators too.

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