Valued Relationships Key to Lover's Choice's Sales Success

BURLINGTON, Ontario — Price and quality have long been driving market forces in the adult industry; but a recent Lover's Choice survey shows that customers also value business relationships.

Many of the 200-plus respondents reported that they buy from Lover's Choice not only because the company has mastered the art of creating quality adult novelties that carry user-friendly price points and are supported by unparalleled marketing materials, but also because they sincerely enjoy working with the Team Love staff.

"Team Love is thrilled that so many of our customers agree that Lover's Choice is a great supply chain partner," said Lover's Choice President and CEO Randall Hughes. "We knew that price, quality and reliability are valued by our customers; and we wanted to know if the personal relationships we've developed in this business have as much meaning to our partners as they do to us. Building relationships fosters candid communication, and we're euphoric to learn that this strategy has brought success to our valued customers."

Direct quotes from survey responses included:

"Your products are sensational, you keep very, very deep stock levels and your prices are pitched to sell through fast. For websites, they are easy to store, easy to mail out and – critically - you've got the size-to-price ratio right. We keep working with you because of the relationship we have with you, because we bought into the LC vision five years ago and because we genuinely believe that we've only just begun with your products! We feel like we're all part of the same company, really." — Dominic Hawes,

"Why do we do business with you? Number one, consistency in terms of look, quality and concept. That makes it easy to merchandise and sell. And, because we like you. When the core of a company has a good soul, I feel really motivated to help that grow and support it ... I want more of that in my world." — Lisa Mazurek,

"The first answer has got to be customer demand. I'd be fooling everybody if that wasn't the primary reason (we buy from Lover's Choice). The end user must feel that they are getting value out of your line. Other than that, you have built a very likable company ... people support you because they like you." — Glenn LeBoeuf,

"The insight Team Love has gained through candid customer feedback has fueled eureka moments that have allowed Lover's Choice to develop unique products and supporting materials that are highly marketable in any adult venue," Hughes said. "We deeply appreciate our customers' kind words, and we understand that the true measure of a successful business relationship isn't always what is said, but what is sold. When our customers express to us that they want fair pricing, elegant packaging and superb quality, we make sure our products feature those elements to drive sales for our customers."

To learn more about Lover's Choice visit