The Screaming O Balances Chakras with ‘Sex Secretary’ Mobile App

LOS ANGELES, CA — The Screaming O has launched Sex Secretary, a mobile app designed by a team of engineers, two gurus, and one MIT dropout and created to measure a user’s intimate energy level. Inspired by a recent spirit journey undertaken by The Screaming O founder and CEO Justin Ross, Sex Secretary arouses men’s and women’s sexual consciousness to promote mindfulness, joy, and pleasure through the power of orgasm.   

Targeting the root chakra — a tantric sexual energy point in the body located near where most men and women carry their cellphones — Sex Secretary detects users’ orgasmic frequencies and sends a convenient and conspicuous alert when they dip to a particular level. This facilitates intimate awareness while also eliminating the need to schedule sex around busy daily life, making sexual pleasure a priority for all. 

“Keeping energy flowing freely through our ‘roots’ is vital to maintaining a satisfied and balanced life, and I feel it’s a social responsibility to spread this message through The Screaming O,” Ross said. “Men, women, and couples look to The Screaming O for fun-to-try and easy-to-use intimacy-builders, and now it’s time to give them a simple tool to enhance their sex lives in a new way. This app took months to develop, but once we put together the right team we were able to create a technology that knows you need sex even before you do. And because finding time for sex can be difficult in this day and age, this app even can act as your personal sex secretary — hence the name.” 

Sex Secretary’s convenient alerts can be set to three volumes: deafening, noisy and irritating. 

Available anywhere apps banned by Apple can be found, Sex Secretary can be downloaded for the low price of $39.99 and is compatible with most mobile devices.

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