Sheri’s Ranch Now Offers Legal Nuru Massage Parlor

PAHRUMP, Nev.—In the months since Las Vegas-area brothel Sheri’s’ Ranch introduced Nuru erotic massage to America, the wet and wild offering has become a breakout success.

Sheri’s opened the Nuru specialty room in October, when Nevada legalized the slippery body-on-body massage service, and the Ranch reports that customer interest in Nuru has far exceeded expectations, and is now the brothel’s most successful sex specialty launch to date.

Nuru massage, where a fully nude masseuse glides her body over her client's nude body using seaweed-based, slippery warm Nuru gel for a uniquely stimulating experience, has been popular in Japanese bathhouses for several decades, and is now about to become popular in the U.S.

“We’re pleased to offer our current and future guests this incredible new service,” said Sheri’s Ranch owner Chuck Lee, a respected former law enforcement official who remodeled the resort into a fantasy playground for men, women and couples looking for pleasure in a safe, clean and comfortable setting. “We went to great lengths to ensure that Sheri’s provides the authentic Japanese NURU experience. Not only do our courtesans perform the only legal Nuru massage in the USA, but they also practice the best, most sensual erotic massages available anywhere.”

In 2015, the brothel’s first quarter revenue has surpassed projections by 15 percent as a direct result of Nuru curiosity, resulting in an enormous traffic boost to Sheri’s Ranch’s website and online reservation service. The brothel’s madam, Dena, believes that Nuru’s illicit nature has contributed to its skyrocketing popularity with Las Vegas visitors. 

“Let’s face it, Las Vegas tourists are the most sexually adventurous in the world. Our Nuru room offers Sin City visitors the opportunity to participate in a sex act that is truly uncommon and perfectly suited for a Vegas-style romp,” said Dena. “Nuru massage is exactly the sexual escapade that many Las Vegas travelers have been searching for.”

“People visiting the Las Vegas area want to have a sexual adventure that’s not only naughty and uniquely satisfying, but also safe, discreet, and worry free. Sheri’s Ranch is a trusted brand offering the hottest erotic encounters in a secure, STD-free environment,” Lee said.

To learn more about the Nuru Specialty Room at Sheri’s Ranch, go here.