Sexy Secrets Impresses With Display Window Featuring pjur

WASSERBILLIG, Luxembourg—Australian erotic retailer Sexy Secrets certainly has a knack for decoration. Yellow dots wherever you look, tablets and screens showing the pjur product videos, and on top of that the tried and true pjur displays with various products of the premium lubricant producer.

Sexy Secrets’ display windows and part of their store in Melbourne are dedicated to pjur, presenting the company’s top-sellers in an unusual way that is appealing and, above all, jumps out at the customers.

“We decided to place this decoration because the pjur range is our favorite brand hygiene product range as it fits in with the type of store we promote and the high quality products that we sell,” said  Glenn Hill, founder of Sexy Secrets.

pjur is also very impressed with this ingenuity: “More and more of our clients advertise pjur in a big way, but this shop is definitely something special. We extend heartfelt thanks to Glenn and his team for creating this awesome presentation,” said Alexander Giebel, founder and CEO of pjur group. “With their creativity and eye for detail, Sexy Secrets enchant the Australian fans of pjur, and everybody else as well. ”

For more information about Sexy Secrets, visit

For further information on pjur group, go to