SLS Specialty Adds Shunga Intimate Cosmetic Collection to Product Lineup

HOUSTON—Boutique product distributor SLS Specialty has brought on the full line of erotic cosmetics made by Shunga, a Canadian-based company with a product collection that includes some of the highest end botanical and edible lotions, lubricants, and other intimate accessories for the body, mind and spirit.

SLS Specialty’s shipment and transport process has been modified in order to accommodate these kinds of fragile and temperature-sensitive products, and the company is proud to offer U.S. retailers the complete Shunga collection with matching best-seller display units and promotional tools.

“The quality and artistry Shunga puts into its formulations and packaging is far superior to others on the market and we wanted to bring the brand on as soon as we saw it,” SLS Specialty CEO Shane Nelson said. “Shunga uses unique herbal and plant-based ingredients that offer its users unique sensual experiences that make them feel the oils, lotions and creams hat they’re using are truly special—because they are!”

Some of Shunga’s most popular products include the Edible Body Painting available in three aphrodisiac-inspired flavors—chocolate, vanilla and chocolate, and strawberries and champagne. The innovative Male Genital Desensitizer spray also is a top seller, as well as Shunga’s series of massage oils made using certified organic refined vegetable oils. SLS Specialty also provides retailers with a series of displays for optimal merchandising.

A 2.5-foot wide, 1 foot deep table top unit features a header hard and features only the best-sellers in the Shunga line. Also available for order are small, medium and large “romance kits,” which include the brand’s famous Secret Garden Female Orgasm Enhancing Cream and naturally flavored water-based lubricants, among other luxe body products.

For more information about these display and package options, as well as product details and images, email sales@slsspecialty.

SLS Specialty is a boutique distributor that focuses on marketing and promoting full-line brands of adult products, including sex toys, apparel and accessories for sexual enhancement. SLS stocks only the hottest, most in-demand names in adult and works one-on-one with retailers across the U.S. to give them the information, products and sales tools they need to do business better.

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