Pipedream Products’ Fuck Me Silly Demo Video Goes Viral

CHATSWORTH, Calif.—A demo video for Pipedream Products’ Fuck Me Silly has gone viral, thanks to WorldStarHipHop.com featuring the clip on their featured videos section recently.

WSHH is the premiere destination for hip-hop news and content. Boasting four consecutive BET Awards for Best Hip Hop Blog Site and an impressive Alexa rating of 228—that's higher than E-Online, NBC Sports and New York Post—this is one of the largest mainstream online media source to showcase Pipedream Products.

“Sudden requests for our black Fuck Me Silly have been pouring in all morning,” said Social Media Manager Sabrina Dropkick. “The traffic from today’s feature is just mind blowing—our website even crashed temporarily from the overwhelming influx of visits.”

The video, uploaded to WSHH on Friday, has reached almost 1 million views and 9,300 comments, more than any other video in the feature. Pipedream’s own website exploded with more than 9 million hits on Friday and continued to average 4 million on both Saturday and Sunday: 83 percent of visitors were new visitors to the site and the most visited page was our "Where to Buy" e-tailers listing. 

Dubbed the "Single Man's Dream" by WSHH, customers can download the same video for in-store and online use under the Sexpert section of PDTV. Customers are urged to place their orders now while limited supplies last.