New Catalog Available From Holiday Products

CHATSWORTH, Calif.—Holiday Products has announced the release of their 2013-14 catalog.

The 279-page, ad-free publication showcases Holiday Products’ vast product expansion and features all of the industry’s major manufacturers’ top-selling product selections. 

“This catalog represents our continued growth and expansion at Holiday Products,” said Vice President Ken Sahn. “We don’t carry everything because frankly everything doesn’t sell.” 

They also highlight many niche product collections including We-Vibe, LELO, Aneros, Hot Rawks, Kingman, Magic Gel, Shunga, Booty Parlor and Fresh Balls to name just a few. This easy-to-use catalog is organized by category, which makes it easy for customers to find what they are looking for.

Susanna Molina, Holiday Products purchasing director, said, “Working with our manufacturers, we continually identify and select the ‘Best of the Best’ in an effort to help our customers with their product selection. Holiday Products now stocks over 7,500 items showcasing the Best of the Industry. We continually add new products and listen to the needs and suggestions of our customers to remain a primary resource for them.”

To request your free copy of their new 2013-2014 catalog, contact Holiday Products at (800) 266-5969, email [email protected] or visit their website at