Surveys The Top 10 Day Jobs for NY Escorts has conducted a survey among the New York female escorts who advertise through their website. The survey asked whether these women had "day jobs." The results revealed that a large number of New York escorts are currently working in a number of fields and professions, and that some of them can be considered slightly unusual.

The 1,107 New York female escorts currently advertising on had a chance  to answer a series of personal questions beyond the standard demographic items. The editors took this unique opportunity to find out how many of these New York escorts have second jobs by day—who is "moonlighting," as it were, and what exactly are they up to during daylight hours. The 55.41 percent who completed the survey revealed that they do indeed have second jobs; and is pleased to make these results public by putting together their list of Top 10 Atypical Daytime Jobs For New York Female Escorts.

Counting down from 10...

10. Game Tester—Crazy for video games? Some of the escort respondents are. Their level of expertise in this field can be quite captivating to men.

9. Shot GirlThey bring alcoholic drinks to the guests of the bar and make sure they are satisfied. It’s all about satisfying the clients and they are the best! Definitely a requirement for an escort.

8. Chicken SexerThe job involves separating baby chicks according to sex. She’s getting the job done both by day and night.

7. Fortune Cookie WriterYes, people still write these! That shows creativity and escorts should be creative to go with their other “skills”.

6. Magician Assistant—And the magic continues by night too! Big smiles, hot outfit, entertaining and disappearing. She’ll definitely charm any man with her magic tricks!

5. Pet Detective—Trained in the science of how, when, and where to search for lost pets. Chasing pets by day and men by night!

4. Marriage CounselorWith an in-depth understanding of a man's need to escape in another woman's arms, she is uniquely qualified to tell all about the ins and outs of marriage.

3. College professorTeaching with books during the day and with her body at night.

2. PlumberTalk about role reversal! This plumber lays pipe during the day and has pipe laid during the evening!

1. VeterinarianTaking care of puppies during the day and brings her favorite “kitty” back with her to work at night!

While serving as an escort is a great way of earning extra money, the results of this survey show that these women lead rewarding lives during the day. The skills and knowledge that they employ show intelligence, creativity, love, and above all hard work. These New York escorts are willing to work twice as hard to get what they want out of life.

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