Libertybelle UK Acquires Clone Zone

LONDON, England - Libertybelle UK Limited - the parent group behind Nexus Range, a manufacturer of adult pleasure products - has acquired Clone Zone.

Clone Zone Limited, a leading chain of gay lifestyle stores in the United Kingdom, was facing serious financial troubles before being bought out by Libertybelle UK. Clone Zone incorporated in 1983, making it one of the most enduring gay retail chains in the world.

In the acquisition, Libertybelle UK will continue to use the Clone Zone brand on stores in Soho, Earls Court, Manchester, and Birmingham as well as for the Internet and wholesale segments of the business. Six Clone Zone stores were not included in the deal, but five of those stores were purchased earlier this year by Nice 'N' Naughty, who also has expressed interest in the sixth store.

Also, as part of the deal, Mike McCann and David Edwards, former directors of Clone Zone Limited, were invited to join Libertybelle UK's board of directors.

"We are delighted that we have been able to secure the future of Clone Zone with a partner from within the industry that brings a tremendous amount of expertise in sales, marketing, toy design and manufacturing," McCann said.

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