Jopen Unveils Intensity Insider Program

CHINO, Calif.Jopen LLC, a sister company to California Exotic Novelties, unveils the Intensity Insider Program, a positive online resource to empower and educate women about aspects of sexual wellness people sometimes don’t openly discuss. Due to overwhelming public interest during preproduction of Intensity—a product with a unique blend of sexual wellness and intimate pleasure benefits—Jopen developed the Intensity Insider Program to address women’s needs.

“The idea is to offer women a safe, comfortable, resource for information,” saidSusan Colvin, president and CEO of Jopen. “The Intensity Insider Program will help women discover themselves as they learn about Intensity.”

Intensity is the first pleasure product to be made from an item intended for a completely different purpose—to strengthen a woman’s pelvic floor muscle. The original invention was created by a team of medical professionals. 

Al Bloom, marketing director for Jopen, explained, “As the medical team tested their first prototype they discovered that women reported incredible pleasure as a side effect. They realized they had much more than a product that would strengthen Kegel muscles, it was also capable of delivering satisfaction. They brought the concept to the all-women product development team at Jopen. The result of the collaboration is Intensity—a product that can both strengthen the Kegel muscle essential to a woman’s health and has the potential to create intense pleasure.”

Intensity is the latest product from Jopen and was introduced to press, distributors, and retailers at two trade shows, one inLos Angeles, and one inHamburg,Germany. It was also recently unveiled to the press at the Products-n-Press Naughty and Nice Media Fair last month inNew York. The resulting interest and inquiries about Intensity have been so copious that Jopen executives felt the need to offer people an option for information.

“We receive a weekly stream of inquiries about Intensity. Women want to know when it will be available, where they can get it, and how it works,” said Desiree Duffie, director of public relations for Jopen. “The Intensity Insider Program is an empowering resource that will give women the information they need, plus it even gives them a chance to win a free Intensity.”

Intensity will be available to the public soon. To find out more, women are invited to become Intensity Insiders at