Hot Octopuss Traces History Of Masturbation In YouTube Video

LONDON—Hot Octopuss, makers of the Pulse “guybrator,” have created a new YouTube video that hilariously and creatively tracks the evolution of male masturbation.

In the 60-second video, rousing orchestral music plays in the background as the camera pans from left to right, past everything from a box of tissues to a gym sock to a vacuum cleaner to a blow-up doll before landing on the Pulse.

As the music swells, the exposion of fireworks can be heard as the camera holds on the Pulse, before all the sounds give way to the quiet hum of the piece as it vibrates.

Adam Lewis, designer of Pulse and Hot Octopuss co-founder, told ETO: “we created a video that we knew would put a smile on the faces of men all over the world. We sent out a questionnaire to 100 guys and believe it or not, all of the props used in the video were suggestions from people who had at some point in their lives used them as a masturbation aid. Once you have seen the video I am sure you will agree that it was about time someone invented Pulse. There’s a real buzz around the Pulse and we’re very excited to see how it goes down.”

To view the video, visit