Heeldo Video Goes Viral With 6.7 Million Views and Counting

BERGEN COUNTY, N.J.—A YouTube video of a radio interview of the creators of Heeldo with a slideshow of the product has gone viral, with 6.7 million views and counting.

The creators of Heeldo appeared on the popular Dave and Chuck The Freak morning radio show on 89X FM in the spring of 2012. The audio from the 2:36 minute phone call was then added to YouTube with a slideshow of product photos of the Heeldo harness.  The audio featured in the video was recorded during the first of two appearances on the morning radio show. 

“It’s pretty unreal,” said Joe Wilson, director of marketing and co-founder of Heeldo. “We always wanted a viral video and now we finally have one. It’s nice to know that regardless of what other marketing initiatives we are working on, our Heeldo video is being seen on average over 50,000 times per day on YouTube, so it’s always working for us."

In the past year, more than 50 percent of views came from the YouTube watch page with 45 percent coming from mobile. Of the viewers, 73 percent are male, attributing to 3.6 million total minutes watched.

“This gives us some important demographic data and shows that a mobile presence is absolutely necessary,” Wilson said.

User posts and uploads to popular sites like Reddit, LiveLeak, and mentions by high profile entertainment personalities on Twitter have led to growing popularity for Heeldo on the web.

“We have some huge marketing campaigns hitting towards the end of the year. We will be making a very exciting announcement next month that will include major national coverage of Heeldo,” Wilson said.

You can watch the Heeldo viral video on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yx8qU7bsLao.

For more information, visit Heeldo.com.