HPPPA Names ME As Their Preferred Clitoral Gel

SACRAMENTO—Home Pleasure Party Plan Association (HPPPA) is proud to announce that it has named, ME as its Preferred Clitoral Gel.

HPPPA President Tamara Bell said, “I have been in this business for a long time and we have found a clitoral stimulating gel that is just incredible. We have had several focus groups with our members and the reaction has simply been, 'Wow.'

Consumer Concepts' Russell Taras said, “We are very excited by the response of the HPPPA and honored that they have named ME the Preferred Clitoral Gel of HPPPA. ME clitoral gel is an innovative formula that does not use any of the old standby ingredients such as l-arginine, menthol, peppermint oil or capsicum. It works instantly and for up to an hour. Consumer Concepts along with Tamara and HPPPA believe ME takes this category to an entirely new level.”

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