Fitness Expert Launches Sexual Health Supplement Androzene

LOS ANGELES—John Abdo—author of the book Ultimate Sexual Health and Performance, inventor of exercise system the Ab-Doer®, Olympic strength and conditioning trainer and National Fitness Hall of Fame inductee—has developed his own all-natural dietary supplement as a solution to men’s loss of sexual energy, stamina and hormonal declines. 
When it comes to men’s sexual health and performance, prescription drugs may address immediate needs or symptoms, but not the underlying causes. Over time, use of the popular sexual function prescription drugs can have devastating negative side effects, including impotence.
Developed over the years by Abdo, Androzene is an all-natural sexual-health supplement that increases blood flow and improves sexual function and genital sensitivity by nourishing the sexual organs of the body for increases in overall sexual health and satisfaction.

While poor erectile function increases dramatically with age for a number of men, aging may not necessarily be a direct cause; in fact, healthy men are physically capable of maintaining their ability to perform sexually well into their 80s. Still, statistics reveal that over 49% of men over 40 are not able to function properly and that the majority of sexual dysfunction cases in men over the age of 50 are linked to mental and physical health and unhealthy lifestyles.
Decreased hormonal production and circulation—inadequate blood flow to the penis and reproductive organs that include the prostate and testicles (gonads)—makes it impossible to achieve an erection. Stress, overwork, depression and poor eating habits can also take their toll on a body's stamina, energy and endurance levels.
Abdo’s philosophy is that both the body and the mind need to be sharp in order to reignite and maintain ultimate sexual health and performance. Having become a student of anti-aging and life prolonging technologies, Abdo created Androzene as an herbal-based supplement that accepts only the purest and most potent extracts from various herbs cultivated around the globe—all proven to help the body cope with the effects of stress and boost hormone and sexual functioning.
As a young athlete in his early 20s, Abdo himself suffered from sexual dysfunction—a result of taking anabolic steroids that impacted his hormonal balance.  Like many athletes in this era, Abdo looked to steroids as a strength enhancer—without regard for the long term effects. The experience put Abdo on a mission to better understand male sexual health and performance, which ultimately led him to write his definitive book on the subject, Ultimate Sexual Health and Performance.
Working with botanists, licensed nutritionists and a team of other natural healers within one of the country’s most prominent FDA-licensed manufacturing facilities, Abdo created Androzene, an all-natural dietary supplement that nourishes the entire body to bring men back to their sexual youth.
Abdo calls his key element in Androzene—a patented time-released delivery system—AndroPhase, a proprietary delivery technology that improves nutrient-cellular absorption, to maximize the bioavailability of Androzene’s nutrients, thus ensuring both spontaneity and sustainability by allowing the ingredients to quickly enter the body and to remain in the system all day long.
Androzene is manufactured with a quality control process called Standardization, ensuring that every bottle contains the exact same levels of body-nourishing nutrients from one batch to the next.