Fetish-Artist.com Releases Kinky Valentine Cards

LOS ANGELESFetish-Artist.com is offering a variety of kink-oriented cards for Valentine's Day. The valentines feature Femdom, shibari bondage, shemale, and naughty archer themes.

"We're marketing these through Etsy to gauge demand," said Jay E. Moyes, the artist behind Fetish-Artist.com. "Consumers feel more comfortable paying through a name they know, and we like how Etsy's mature filters handle the artwork. If response is good, we will produce a line of kinky Christmas cards for retail and distribution by fall of 2014."

The cards are now available here direct to consumers, along with original fetish art. Any order placed before February 9, 2014 gets a free 5 pack of fetish-art.com stickers.

For more fetish art and fetish art news, whip over to Fetish-Artist.com.