B Swish’s Bbold Premium Satisfies Every Bold Desire...

LOS ANGELES—When it comes to finding sexual satisfaction, fortune favors the bold. And B Swish has just the right accessory to suit an adventuresome nature: the Bbold Premium. The Bbold Premium is a body-safe, water-resistant and rechargeable personal massager with seven functions and a clitoral cup for those who prefer gentler stimulation.

Bold and beautiful, the Bbold Premium has a sleek silhouette yet delivers intense pulsating pleasure. It can be used for discreet solo delight, or can be shared with a special someone.

Every detail of the Bbold Premium is designed to enhance pleasure. Its firm, contoured shape guides itself where needed, and a narrow neck with broad tip provides pressure and fullness against sensitive spots. It is lightweight, but with a powerful silent motor—not too heavy to carry while traveling, and slender enough to slip between bodies for couples play. Glowing blue backlight controls make playing in the dark easy.

As a member of B Swish’s Premium Line of personal massagers, the Bbold comes with a USB charger and storage pouch and is available in two colors: Black/Magenta and Primrose/Grey. The Bbold arrives in gift-ready black packaging, and makes for an attractive in-store presentation.

Learn more about the Bbold Premium with informational flyers, an educational video and online marketing support available on B Swish’s B2B site: US.BSwish.com. Or email the company at [email protected].