JustFor.fans Offers Incentives to Models Who Join FSC

LOS ANGELES—JustFor.fans is extending its online features as an incentive to models who join the Free Speech Coalition (FSC). The upgraded offerings have been previously available only to exclusive models.

“Models, now that you are part of the adult community, it’s time to join the Free Speech Coalition (FSC), a respected trade organization that advocates for the industry and addresses critical issues such as banking discrimination, 2257 laws, and ID verification,” explained company founder/CEO Dominic Ford. “By standing together and supporting FSC, we empower the collective voice and strengthen our community's legal protections.”

Memberships include basic Creator Plans at $120 per year, Entrepreneur Plans at $300 per year, and Industry Defender at $600 per year. Donations are tax-deductible, and models who join FSC have the advantage of being on the front lines of making the industry a safer place.

“It’s time you take a seat at the table and help move this industry in the right direction,” said Ford.

JFF models will have unlimited access to the following features, provided their FSC membership is in good standing:

• Higher rankings on search results, recommendations pages, and anywhere exclusive models are ranked first
• Free use of JFF’s digital watermarking system 
• Ability to schedule spotlights
• Free use of JFF’s AI text generator 
• Use of JFF’s Twitter auto-poster, where its system creates daily Twitter posts for models with older content
• New Badge on JFF verifying models as industry leaders and members of the FSC
• Access to exclusives-only features

"From the very beginning, JustFor.fans has been an ardent supporter of Free Speech Coalition's work,” said Mike Stabile, FSC’s director of public Affairs. “Beyond their generous financial support, they're our co-plaintiffs in multiple constitutional challenges over age verification, putting their brand on the line in a way that few other companies have been willing.

“We're glad to work with a platform that has been such an unrelenting advocate for adult creators, and look forward to working directly with JFF creators to help them understand their role in fighting back against discrimination and censorship."

Ford agreed, adding, “JustFor.fans is committed to supporting this unique industry, so by urging and incentivizing our models to become part of the Free Speech Coalition, we can ensure equal representation and fair funding for the needs of everyone in the community. Join us to have your voice heard and your interests protected—your participation matters!”

To learn more, visit freespeechcoalition.com/creators. In the social media URLs box, include a JFF model link. FSC will confirm membership directly to JFF. Donations are tax-deductible and JFF models can also set FSC up in JFF’s charitable giving section to contribute an ongoing percentage of sales via JustFor.fans/accountoptions.

For live updates, follow JustFor.fans on Twitter.