Legal Prostitutes from Sherri's Ranch Weigh In On Penis Size

PAHRUMP, NV—The legal brothel and sex resort, Sheri’s Ranch, which is located just outside of Las Vegas, has published a blog in which several of their courtesans opine on the controversial topic of penis size and the role size plays in sexually satisfying a woman.

The article claims that since prostitutes have more sexual experience with a variety of penises than any other demographic, including academic researchers and physicians, they are best qualified to comment on the topic.

The prostitutes suggest that penis size has less to do with sexual performance than many men might suspect.

Eve Adame, a legal hooker working at the ranch, says that porn videos are not a healthy gauge for male sexual performance. “Forget about the size of the penises you see in pornos. In reality, most women can’t enjoy penetration that deep since an average woman’s vagina is only 3-4 inches long, the first inch being the most sensitive.”

“In my personal experience, penises that are 4 inches long can still be more than satisfactory if used right,” she continued, adding suggestions for sexual positions for less endowed men.

Tatyana, another legal prostitute, takes the position that men should consider honing other traits and characteristics before buying ineffectual enlargement pills. “What is the ideal penis size? How long should it be? How thick? Here’s the deal: Every time a man makes me laugh, the ideal measurements become less important…”

Located in Pahrump, Nevada, sixty miles west of Las Vegas, Sheri’s Ranch was purchased by former Chicago homicide detective Chuck Lee in 2001 and was remodeled into a fantasyland of bungalows and specialty rooms with a variety of titillating themes. With a hotel and restaurant on the property, Lee and his staff have taken great care to maintain a resort playground with the clients’ safety, privacy, and satisfaction in mind.

For more information email Jeremy Lemur or phone 702-873-0008.