Squirt.org Says Ads Removed in Miami After Only One Citizen Complaint

MIAMI—Representatives of gay hookup site Squirt.org are up in arms because its advertisements were removed from phone kiosks throughout Miami and in illuminated kiosks in Wilton Manors. The approved ads were removed after conservative city officials pushed back, citing community backlash.

The only complaint, Squirt.org reps assert, came from a single resident, Michael Rajner, on March 8 during a commission meeting.

“Unfortunately, we learned all of our ads were required by the city to be removed by the city on March 14 due to apparent complaints by community members,” said Attila Szatmari, digital business director for Pink Triangle Press, Squirt’s parent company. “However, upon further investigation, we learned of only a single complaint on record. Having used similar campaigns successfully around the world, we’re extremely disappointed at the decision to cave under the most minimal pressure. This reeks of discrimination and prejudice.”

The ads in question feature a man in a tanktop with the slogan “Real Guys, Real Hookups,” and additional text promoting Squirt.org.

“Our ads promote gay cruising and casual hookups, but we always take great lengths to ensure our ads meet community standards before they are ever posted,” Szatmari said.

Last September, one of Squirt's Miami ads was the subject of a viral video, which captures an alleged U.S. Marine veteran destroying a Squirt.org advertisement on a bus stop.

Squirt.org says sources confirm that the vandalism video was filmed in 2014, right before the City of Miami removed prior Squirt.org ads in November of that year. The ads were deemed too racy by city officials. Since then, Squirt.org has conducted several successful advertising campaigns in the city without incident.

Squirt.org has conducted successful advertising campaigns around the world, including Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands, and cities across the United States. Its ads have also been the source of controversy, with incidents in Toronto, Wales and Miami.