Isn't It Bro-Mantic? Austin Zane's Valentines Special

LAS VEGAS, NV — It’s a unique love story, but it’s true. Two best friends, once exclusively “straight” dudes, found that by pushing their sexual boundaries and getting intimate together on camera, they could create their own miniature online empire. Austin Andrews and Zane Michaels have captured the hearts of literally thousands of fans across the world since launching But this Valentine’s Day, they focused on how they’ve also captured the hearts of each other in what has played out as one of the most genuine bro-mances in gay porn history. 

In this special Valentine’s Day scene, Austin and Zane turned up the heat, getting passionate on a rose petal covered bed by candlelight with the crackling of an antique record player rotating in the background.

“He’s my best friend,” says blonde cutie, Zane Michaels, who bottoms for Andrews in the scene just posted to the site, “and I love him.” 

“I’d say we’re like brothers to each other, but we are more than that,” says Andrews. “I wouldn’t have been comfortable doing what I do or starting this site with anyone but him.” 

The two describe the scene more as “love making” than sex – a rarity in the gay porn that is churned out en masse today, where even a romantic moment in a gay porno is usually played out by two actors who have never met each other. 

Members of the site will also get a look at behind-the-scenes bloopers when things nearly got a little too hot for the boys. It seems that in the “heat” of the moment, the candles got knocked over and the curtains nearly went up in flames!

“The look on our faces is priceless,” laughs Michaels. “It’s hilarious now but at the time, we jumped into panic mode. So, take it from us, have fun and be romantic tonight… but be safe everyone!” 

In other Austin Zane news, Austin Andrews is currently nominated to co-host The 2012 Grabby Awards, to be held over Memorial Day Weekend in Chicago. Fans can vote online.