Gay Ad Pros Offers Spring Cash Bonuses to New Advertisers, Publishers

MIAMIThrough May 31, traffic network Gay Ad Pros is offering cash bonuses to new advertisers and publishers. New advertisers will receive a 10-percent cash-back bonus on their initial deposits, and publishers will receive an additional 10-percent payout on ad sales.

GAP, owned and operated by the folks who own gay affiliate program Pride Bucks, connects advertisers who want to reach gay audiences with publishers who serve that market. GAP also assures site owners that relevant gay ads will be displayed on their pages.

“I hear all of the time from our clients how pleased they are to be working with a gay-specific ad network,” said GAP Chief Executive Officer Joe Sterner. “Over the last nine months and solely by word of mouth, we’ve grown from just five publishers to almost 150 ad units on the Gay Ad Pros network.

“It’s satisfying to know we’re filling a real need within the gay webmaster community,” he added.

Sterner said the network was launched in response to a perceived frustration that gay traffic is almost an afterthought at many other ad networks. In fact, some networks display straight ads on gay websites. GAP maintains a 100-percent gay client base on both the advertiser and publisher ends, ensuring that only relevant ads are displayed. Advertisers may buy text and graphic ads on specific sites or sample the network with run-of-network ads. Publishers of blogs, gallery sites, news sites and membership sites can monetize their efforts by offering space to other GAP network members.

There is no charge to set up an account. For more information, visit or email the GAP team.