Eurocreme’s Flagship Studio Releases ‘CityBoy’

Eurocreme and its flagship studio DreamBoy embrace high quality productions with character development and realistic yet sexual narratives in each storyline they explore. Entering the world of big business, high flying hedge fund and company management, fans will be taken on a journey with the eponymous CityBoy in the form of blond twink Kai Alexander as he finds he way through the tough world of finance and acquisition. The movie also stars Marco DuVaul, Alex Garcia, Theo Ford and Drew Kingston.

In true DreamBoy style, the central theme of young love is found throughout the feature, and coupled with almost every star suited in sexy outfits that hug their slim and/or toned bodies, with trousers that show every bulge in the right place, the lovers of suited men and boys will have what they want here—and more.

As the story progresses through bars and offices, the life of these high flying city bankers is put under the spotlight as they fuck their way to the top without a shred of decency among most of them. Can the little hero of the story survive his rise and suspected fall and still come out with his love interest in tow?  Fans will have to keep on watching.

Eurocreme and director Blacky Mendez’s immersive skills provide fans with that sense of inclusion, making what they see a bit closer, and more horny than they thought possible.

With CityBoy to be released in early November 2014, the studio asks fans to let them know what they think about Eurocreme’s unique take on top quality cinematic pornography. Available via Pulse Distribution in the US and Canada, via Bruno Gmunder in the EU and through all major stockists in the UK and elsewhere.

Available on DVD, HD and SD Downloads from For more information on CityBoy, Blacky Mendez or any other Eurocreme Production or access to their press site and online image/info repository, please email here.