Dirty Boy Makes Occupy Protester an Offer He May Refuse

OAKLAND, Calif.—Even as the pepper spray flowed and the police batons swung, Dirty Boy Video gang couldn’t get enough of Occupy Oakland. In the wake of the release of Occupy My Mouth, the porn scene they shot in a tent at the Occupy Oakland site, Dirty Boy President Andy Fair has extended an offer to a “hot” young man bloodied and arrested by the cops to seek the production protection of New York-based Dirty Boy Video.

The protester, Brandon Watts (who comes equipped with a porn-friendly name), was sent the following offer by Fair:

Dear Mr. Watts,

We are vocal supporters of Occupy Wall Street and the statement it makes.  Your energy, commitment and drive have directly contributed to the success of the Occupation movement. As I watched the police drag you away in handcuffs, your face covered in blood, I could only think, “Wow, he’s hot!” Later, I learned you were among the first to pitch a tent in Zuccotti Park, making the movement a literal occupation. The NY Daily News reports you even lost your virginity in that park. Congratulations! Dirty Boy Video has long encouraged young men like yourself to pitch tents in parks. I offer you the opportunity to perform on our website, an opportunity to express yourself and your politics freely and without censor.  Working together we can create a sexy, fun platform that inspires you, be that with other actors, actresses or both. Whether you choose to work with us or not, I salute your dedication and your courage.

Andy Fair

So now Dirty Boy Video shoots straight scenes, too? This we did not know.

Photo: a bloodoed Brandon Watts