BelAmi Presents: A BelAmiBoy and a CockyBoy

NEW YORK, NY —  BelAmiOnline has released a new scene from the BelAmi - CockyBoys model exchange program that started last year.

In that tradition BelAmi drops another scene featuring CockyBoy (and Grabbys 2013 Newcommer of the year) Max Ryder with BelAmi Boy Scott Bennet in a perfect pairing of hot blondes. The scene features Bennet giving it to Ryder BelAmi style while Max takes it like a CockyBoy.

The scene is live now exclusively at BelAmiOnline.

Download trailor and images here.

Stay tuned for major announcements regarding BelAmi's  20th Anniversary programming extravaganza that begins later this month and lasts throughout the rest of the year.