[Ed. Note: Zachary Adams, better known within the adult industry as Zach Thomas, the ex-husband of Sunset Thomas, sent an email to AVN.com that we have decided to publish unedited, with the exception of deleting the real name of Sunset Thomas.]
This letter has a two-fold purpose. First and foremost, I wanted to say "Hi!" and "I miss all my adult business family." Special thanks to my special friends who supported me and my ex-wife, Sunset Thomas, during our ten years in the business. To name a few, it would be: Paul Fishbein, Tim Connelly, Ron Jeremy, Betty and Russ, Marty, Michael Ninn & crew (at VCA), Frank and Family (at Pleasure Productions), Mark Snyder & Family (at Sin City), Mark Carriar & crew (at V.E.), all the great people at Bobby Hollander's "Mr. Peepers" productions, Bob & Family, as well as the photographers and crew at Penthouse, Jerry and Family (at Arrow Productions), Tim and Sue from Homegrown Videos and all the wonderful actresses I have worked with to include: of course Sunset Thomas, Leena, Kobe Thai, Kylie Ireland, Sunrise Addams, Margo Stevens, Nina Hartley and the list could go on forever. Again, thank you. I love you all and miss you a lot.
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Zach Adams in front of Iraqi hut where his unit "took out the bad guysshooting at us." Adams is brandishing his weapon of choice, the M249 machine gun. |
Second, on the "Where is he now?" side. Well, after being in over 250 amateur and pro videos, I moved to Las Vegas to retire with Sunset. At the age of 28, and after I rejoined the army to fight for "our freedom," Sunset decided to leave me and become (60-year-old) Dennis Hof's girlfriend (or wife – her real name is now ---- Hof). I believe she was scared because the army was gonna send me off to war in Iraq, which they did. Sunset (-----) has a "Dependency Personality Disorder" and "ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)." I don't blame her for being scared.
Now of course there were rumors that I sent three black guys over to attack her while I was doing military duty (which never happened – I did send three black guys over to have sex with her because she said, in numerous interviews, she loved more than one man at a time. If they were sent to attack or hurt her, how come it never happened? After she said no, they left.)
Then there was me having sex with a 15-year-old girl. Again, this 15-year-old was just getting revenge against me for not setting up secret visits with her boyfriend (which I was supposed to lie to her dad about her babysitting for me). She had a criminal record, was listed as having mental disorders (Clinical Depression and Schizophrenia). The case was dropped as a "felony" and my lawyer said to take a "disorderly conduct" (a misdemeanor) charge. I did. No jail time. But everyone can believe what they want. I was in love with Sunset Thomas and would of adored her and spoiled her for the rest of her life. She decided she didn't want that. I miss her and my boys tremendously.
But now back to the war. I have had bombs come within 25, 200 and 1,000 meters of my tent while I slept. We get sick all the time in this hell hole. We crap on porta potties (no flushing toilets), eat food that makes you sick, wash in dirty water. We get bombs, small arts fire, etc., 8 or 9 times a day. This is a far cry from my good life I had. But I am proud to do it for my country I love, our freedom and my children's future. We have pretty much captured all the bad guys except Bin Laden. We are ready to come home. But we have to wait and see.
I pray and hope all my friends in the adult business understand what really happened and know I would never say anything to hurt Sunset or any of my friends. I would love for you to put this letter in your magazine. Most important, please let my fans know that I love them and loved doing movies for them. Maybe I'll come back — Ha! Ha! — when I return from Iraq. If I have all my body parts — Ha! Ha! Any one can email me if they want to say "Hi" at [email protected]. If you email me using a non-sex/porn/adult address, I can send you some pictures from Iraq of me in battle uniform. They have some beautiful women here (sorry, no pictures). Should I bring them back with me?
Thanks again to everyone in the business. I had a wonderful time. To my friends and fans, I will never forget you, and if you ever need anything, email me. To Sunset, I will never stop loving you, and even though you and Dennis Hof tried to destroy me, took everything (all $696,000 worth of assets) from me, caused me to go bankrupt, tried to have me put in jail, I still care about you and want to be your friend. If you need me, I'll be there. (It's okay to talk to me, even though you really haven't talked to me in two years.) Maybe I'll see you all at the awards show in January 2,005. Can I get 4 tickets from you? Hint hint.
Peace Out,
Zachary Adams.