Venus Offering Tours for Visually Impaired

BERLIN—Anybody who’s been to a big adult show knows that these events are a visual cornucopia. But they also appeal to other senses, so the Venus show in Berlin—now in its 20th year—is offering specialized tours for the visually impaired.

Taking place October 13-16, the Venus erotic fair draws some 30,000 visitors to four exhibition halls with products that celebrate passion, desire and love. To help visually impaired and blind attendees enjoy the fair, Venus collaborated with the ABSV—General Blind and Visually Impaired Club Berlin—to offer “Erotic Hands” guided tours that help guests experience the many other sensory facets of the show. Venus will cover the cost for these tours, including free admission for each guest.

The tours take place on Thursday, October 13 from 3 to 5 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. and are led by drag performer Ella Mortadella (pictured above). Among the things that guests will experience: a stand with erotic chocolate to stimulate the sense of taste, erotic dolls and vibrators for touch, and massage gels for taste and smell.

To register and get more information, contact the General Blind and Visually Impaired Club Berlin:  phone, 030 895 88-0; email: [email protected]; website,

For more about the show, go to