Third of Amateur Porn From Bible Belt, Homegrown Says

LOS ANGELES—Nearly a third, or 29.6 percent, of all homemade sex tapes submitted to Homegrown Video are created in the American “Bible Belt,” the amateur studio found in its own six-month research study. The study also showed that 56.9 percent of all submissions were from women, supporting recent reports of increased female acceptance and participation in pornographic material as producers as well as consumers.
Percentages of amateur porn performers by state, which were rounded to the nearest tenth decimal point, were as follows:
20.6% from CA (42.9% are female)
11.8% from PA (50% are female)
10.8% from FL (63.7% are female)
6.9% from TX (57.1% are female)
5.9% from AZ (83.3% are female)
4.9% from CO (80% are female)
3.9% from WA (75% are female)
3.9% from NC (75% are female)
2% from CT (50% are female)
2% from GA (50% are female)
2% from OR (50% are female)
2% from MI (100% are female)
2% from NV (50% are female)
2% from KS (50% are female)
1% from MA (0% are female)
1% from IN (100% are female)
1% from KY (100% are female)
1% from LA (0% are female)
1% from NY (0% are female)
1% from WV (100% are female)
International demographics from the same study netted the following results:
2.9% from Czech Republic (33.3% are female)
2% from Ontario, Canada (50% are female)
2% from British Columbia, Canada (50% are female)
2% from Romania (50% are female)
2% from Israel (50% are female)
2% from Guatemala (50% are female)
Statistics for the study were obtained from amateurs submitting to Homegrown Video during the six-month period between July 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013.
The results of Homegrown’s six-month study echo the findings of religious media outlet Christian Post’s 2013 end-of-year report of national demographics relating to the “7 Deadly Sins.” The Christian Post’s report showed that lust, i.e. the craving for sex, was most evident in the same “Bible Belt” areas of the United States.
“I think the important thing to take from these results is regardless of region, religion, sex or political views, people have an innate curiosity about sex,” Homegrown owner Farrell Timlake said. “Often they also have a desire to expand their sexual boundaries and share the experience.
“This goes hand-in-hand with Homegrown’s mission,” Timlake continued. “We believe sexuality and sexual desire are the ‘sixth sense,’ a form of expression allowing people to see, hear and feel the deepest emotions words are unable to fully describe—love and happiness—the vitality of life. The suppression of sexuality is the equivalent of a blindfold or gag, closing eyes and lips to love, preventing the expression of happiness.”

All amateurs are invited to submit their homemade adult movies to Homegrown Video here. In addition to submitting sex tapes, Homegrown encourages amateurs around the world to submit safe-for-work clips, video suggestions and funny at-home interviews for the company's YouTube age. To submit, email [email protected].

To order Homegrown Video's movies, retailers, e-tailers and distributors may contact Pulse Distribution's Robert Plarski at [email protected] or (818) 435-1605.