Private Explores 'The Art of Tantric Massage'

CHATSWORTH, Calif.—Angelika Grays heads up the cast of new Private release The Art of Tantric Massage, directed by Franck Lentini.

Note promo materials, "Tantric massage is one of the ultimate forms of relaxation, a powerful tool that can cultivate unimaginable pleasures using sexual energy. Through orgasm, it helps lead to the highest realms of spiritual fulfillment. Angelika Grays, Ria Sunn, Eveline Dellai and Katy Rose also want to relax and achieve fulfillment, and with the help of our 'hands-on' teachers, they’re about to get it!"

The cast also includes award-winning stars Christian Clay, Lutro and veteran George Uhl.

The Art of Tantric Massage is available now at and various VOD platforms.