Acclaimed director Michael Ninn's company Ninn Worx is on the move. Effective immediately, Ninn Worx will be handling all sales and distribution in-house, ending a one-year relationship with Red Light District. As of Monday, Feb. 12, Ninn's company is also moving its physical address to a new office located at 21329 Nordhoff, Chatsworth, CA 91311.
"We had a great year with Red Light, and it was just time for us to do it ourselves," Ninn Worx president Michael Ninn told AVN. "There's just so much going on with Ninn Worx that it's time for us to really step into the business end entirely."
"I know that everyone at Red Light is very happy for us as we make this move," added Ninn Worx CEO Q. Ninn. "They are supporting us in the decision to start handling our own sales and have gone out of their way to help us with setting up the change over."
Ninn Worx general manager Tom Deniro has been appointed head of sales and distribution. Deniro will rep Ninn's product worldwide in all delivery platforms.
"We have good people in place and I know that we are ready to make this venture successful," Michael Ninn said. "By taking over our own sales and distribution, we have Tom and our sales team focused on Ninn Worx lines and the other projects that we are getting involved in."
NinnWorx currently plans to produce and distribute 24 titles in 2007. The company's first self-distributed release is Through Her Eyes, starring Faith Leon. According to Q. Ninn, the company will also be bringing back its Innocence line and launching several new series.
For sales and distribution information on Ninn Worx titles, e-mail Tom Deniro at [email protected] or call (800) 919-3080.