Net Porn Out-Hits Top Web Search Engines: Report

The adult Internet is still a bigger hit than the top search engines, Internet tracker Hitwise Inc. announced June 3.

The firm said hits to adult Websites were three times the volume of those on Google, Yahoo, and MSN Search for the final full week in May, with Google pulling in 2.7 percent of Web visits, Yahoo and MSN search pulling 1.7 and 1.1 percent, respectively, and the adult Internet pulling over 18.8 percent.

"Humanity seems to think that searching for porn is more important than searching for knowledge, according to recent research," London Inquirer writer Nick Farrell said about those results.

On the other hand, Google is still the king of the online search world, getting more visits between August 2003 and April 2004 than other search engines and showing themselves the only search engine to have gained market share among sites Hitwise lists under search engines and directories – more than Yahoo, more than MSN, more than AskJeeves.

The subcategory accounted for 13.8 of all Internet visits, still behind adult entertainment but ahead of standard entertainment (8 percent), business and finance (7.4 percent), and shopping and classifieds (7 percent).