MONSTER, INC.: Michael Brandon turns 40 with a new boyfriend, a new line of adult toys, and a hot ‘party in the rear.’

Turning 40 is often a turning point in many peoples’ lives, but it’s an even bigger deal in the adult industry. In a business in which youth and beauty are often viewed as a performer’s chief assets, it’s increasingly rare to see models over the age of 40 making a living. Michael Brandon probably won’t have that problem.

As one of gay porndom’s most dependable (and widely, um, “used”) performers, the versatile Brandon has spent the last few years appearing in a slew of movies (picking up two consecutive trophies from the GayVN Awards for Performer of the Year in 2003 and 2004), venturing into the business side of things (as co-partner and producer for Raging Stallion Studios), and even starting his own production company (Raging Stallion-backed Monster Bang Studios). On the eve of his fortieth birthday (the big day was Feb. 8), Brandon was busy overseeing the launch of his own line of line of dildos (all modeled on his infamous 10-inch appendage—appropriately nicknamed “Monster”), planning a President’s Day weekend “blowout” with friends and fans, and anxiously awaiting the release of his latest fuckfest, the aptly-titled Party In the Rear, a throwback to the halcyon days of porn when a bunch of hot guys could gather around a pool and just “put on a show.” Not too shabby for someone who is supposedly “over-the-hill.”

Indeed, as Brandon took time out from his busy schedule to chat with me over the phone about his new movie and having the birthday blues, he confirmed the age-old adage that 40 is most definitely fabulous.

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Ken Knox: So you’re turning 40, huh? What’s it feel like to officially cross the threshold into manhood? Did you get the big 4-0 Blues?

Michael Brandon: You know, I have to be honest with you: I did for a day or two. I’m not really the depressive type, but I actually found myself in a little bit of a funk. I lost a couple of winks of sleep over it, but now that I’m here… You know, I’ve earned every fuckin’ wrinkle I’ve got, Ken. (laughs)

There aren’t an awful lot of active porn stars in their ‘40s. Do you think you might be considered a role model by some?

Sure, I hope so. I work my ass off trying, not necessarily to be a role model, but to show it’s possible. Whatever it is—whatever aspirations someone in our industry has—they’re definitely attainable. It just takes a lot of hard fuckin’ work. Literally. (laughs)

Any plans to take things easier, or can we expect more of the same nastiness out of you and Monster?

I think you can expect a little less, actually. I actually have a boyfriend now. It’s going on six months. I met him at the Sunset Junction Street Fair last year in L.A., and it’s been pretty fuckin’ wonderful. I’m needing to become a little bit more of a homebody [so I can] enjoy a personal relationship as opposed to constantly being on the road.

Hearts are breaking everywhere, Michael! So, tell me a little about your latest flick, Party in the Rear. Whose house did you shoot that at?

That was shot up in Kenwood in Sonoma County just outside San Francisco. Sister Porn Again of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence let us use his pool area for the shoot.

Were the owners around? Did they want to join in?

There some people around. And, of course. Who wouldn’t want to join in with that cast? (laughs)

It looks like you had a pretty damn good time in your scene with Sean Storm, huh? What was shooting that scene like?

It was pretty amazing. It was like… (laughs lasciviously)… Him and I have wanted to work together for quite a number of years. I didn’t know I’d have to start my own video line to make that happen (laughs), but it was pretty intense. One of the times we took a break, he walked up to [Raging Stallion President] Chris Ward and said, “This is the most intense fuck I’ve ever had.” So… yeah, it was hot.

I loved your oral cumshot with Rick Gonzales. I never knew you were such a cumpig…

(Laughs) Well, you know, [with Monster Bang], I’m not asking anybody to do anything I’m not willing to do. In fact, I’m on the set going, “Here, let me show you how!” (laughs)

Nice. I see that you have your own line of adult toys modeled after Monster out now. What’s it like being able to fuck people without actually having to be there to do it?

To hell with that; What’s it like to fuck myself? (laughs) I’ve got four different versions to do it with, too! We’re going all out. This is my way of seguewaying into a higher level of the industry. Instead of me working so hard for my name, I’m hopefully going to have my name work a little bit harder for me. And, you know, it’s my way of sharing Monster with the world.

That’s what we love about you—your generosity. So, the official Michael Brandon Website is pretty hot. What's your favorite part of having a Web domain that's all your own?

It's an extension of myself to the fans that I haven't been able to touch, feel, hug, blow my load on. It keeps everyone informed of what is going on with Monster and myself. Monster's Journal details out some of his exploits. Of course, a man's cock can't type, so, Monster has me to write them for him! (laughs) The web site has been honored with several awards over the past several years [it received back-to-back 2003 and 2004 citations for Best Porn Star Site from Cybersocket magazine], which has been really great.

What’s the best sexy birthday present you could ever get from someone?

I’m not a real materialistic person. I have to tell you that, starting about a week before my birthday, I started getting emails from people. I must have gotten about 350 emails from my fanbase. And the outpour of emails and birthday cards from them was the best birthday present I ever could have gotten.

Awwww. And did Monster get a birthday blowjob?

From my boyfriend, yes. Oh yeah. He blew the candle out for sure this year!

Radical! Here’s looking forward to 41!

Party in the Rear is now available from Raging Stallion Studios. For more information, check out For more on Michael Brandon, cruise on over to