Kim Kardashian Claims She Made Famous Sex Tape High on Ecstasy

Kim Kardashian was know only as the socialite daughter of former O.J. Simpson lawyer Robert Kardashian and sometime friend of Paris Hilton when, in 2007, her career skyrocketed thanks to a homemade sex video released to the public by Vivid Entertainment under the title Kim Kardashian Superstar.

Vivid released the tape in March of 2007. By October of 2007, Kardashian had her own reality TV show, featuring her sisters, mother and other family members, Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Among the longest-running reality shows ever on TV, KUWTK is currently airing its 15th season

And on the most recent episode, Kim Kardashian made a new claim about the sex tape that launched her career. She stated that when she made the tape, she was high on the drug Ecstasy, also known as MDMA—one of only two times in her life she has taken the drug, she claimed.

"I got married on ecstasy the first time," she said on the show. “I did ecstasy once and I got married. I did it again. I made a sex tape. Like, everything bad would happen."

She later added that “everyone knows” that she was under the influence of the drug during the filming of the sex tape, because, “like, my jaw was shaking the whole time.”

But according to the celebrity gossip site TMZ, her male partner in the sex tape, singer William Ray Norwood Jr., better known as “Ray J,” is pushing back against his ex-girlfriend’s claim that she was in less than full possession of her faculties when the then-couple shot the tape.

“Our Ray J sources add he's offended that Kim would suggest she did the sex tape because she was in a significantly altered state,” TMZ wrote. “They say she was down with it from the beginning and all the way through.”

The “sources” added, however, that Kardashian was not fully sober during the filming, according to Ray J’s recollections. While she did not take Ecstasy, they said, “she smoked pot around the time the tape was made, and it was from a pipe shaped like a penis.”

As for the reality star’s claim that her shaking jaw was evidence of her Ecstasy inebriation, the TMZ sources countered, "her lip was quivering because she was getting fucked.”

Speaking to Radar Online, Vivid Entertainment Co-CEO Steve Hirsch said he had no idea whether Kardashian was telling the truth.

“I wasn’t there when they were filming the tape so I can’t really speak to Kim’s state of mind,” Hirsch told the site. “I do know when we made the deal no one was on Ecstasy.”

Photo By The Heart Truth / Flickr U.S. Government Public Domain