JM Productions Moves Into Bigger Office Space

The perverts at JM Productions are packing up and moving to their new offices and distribution facilities at 9140 Owensmouth Ave. The new building will begin operation on March 9, and all current telephone numbers will remain unchanged.

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9140 Owensmouth Ave.

Over the past year JM Productions has grown significantly, and new facilities were required to maintain efficient operation. “Our previous warehouse was completely packed,” explains JM owner Jeff Steward, “Whores were tripping all over Gag Factor and American Bukkake boxes. I was worried someone important would get hurt.”

The new facility will replace two buildings that JM had previously occupied, plus provide the company with room to grow for several years to come. JM will be distributing its own quality brand of filth from the new location, as well as titles from LéWood Productions, NXT LeVL Entertainment, and Powersville, Inc.

In addition to a significantly larger warehouse, the new location also features much more modern office space.

JM expects a smooth and seamless transition to operations at the new location.

Distributors and suppliers are encouraged to contact the company at (818) 772-1320 should they have any questions concerning the move.

The full address for JM Productions is:

9140 Owensmouth Ave

Chatsworth, CA 91311