Ed. Note. Although we begged to go on a Shane’s World trip to write an on-the-set piece, because we’re that dedicated to our profession and just so happen to be Mayan-culture enthusiasts, our work schedule would not permit it - so we had Nicole, erstwhile production manager for Shane’s World Studios, let us know about all the fun we would have had....if we hadn’t been stuck here instead.
We recently returned from shooting our latest movie Asian Vacation in Mexico. Having gone on a few College Invasion's I thought I knew what to expect; long days, tons of sex (on camera of course) and lots of beer. But nothing could have prepared me, our camera guys, and especially our porn stars, for Mexico.
We arrived in Guadalajara to find our connecting flight to Mexico City was delayed. We tried to blend in with the tourists, but something about our group made us stand out. We thought we were busted when a guy with a badge approached Mr. Marcus.
For the full story, click here.