<i>Playboy</i>&#8217;s Video Calendar Revisits Past Playmates

Those who didn’t get enough of Playboy’s playmate video calendars in the last 20 years, will get a chance to get reacquainted with them in the Playmate DVD Calendar Collection.

The three-disc set, to be released on Feb. 14, features 20 years’ worth of playmates featured in Playboy’s video calendars. Among them are the Dahm triplets, misses December 1998; Heather Kozar, Playmate of the Year 1999; Tina Jordan, Miss March 2002; Tiffany Fallon, Playmate of the Year 2005, and scores of other playmates.

Altogether, the collection features eight hours of content, and retails for $29.99. The collection is available online at playboy.com, as well as major audio and video stores.