<i> Adam Film World </i> Names Teagan Best New Starlet

Digital Playground exclusive contract star Teagan Presley has been named 2004’s Best New Starlet by Adam Film World Guide, a leading reviewer of adult entertainment.

The consumer publication shows Teagan on the cover and in more than 20 shots inside along with an interview. Winners are nominated and voted on by AFWG’s editorial staff, which is comprised of writers and reviewers nationwide.

Anthony Petkovich, editor-in-chief of AFWG said, “Teagan was the perfect choice for Adam Film World Guide's Starlet of the Year because she's cute, fresh, energetic and nasty.”

Digital Playground President Samantha Lewis said, “I’d like to thank Anthony and everyone at Adam Film World Guide. They do a great service to the adult entertainment industry. Thank you very much for acknowledging Teagan’s presence this year.”