FSC Offers Strategies for Increasing Social Media Presence

LOS ANGELES—Free Speech Coalition has outlined some strategies and best practices for performers to ramp up their social media presence in a new blog entry.

FSC offered six steps:

Check out your competition

Social media influencing is a crowded field—there’s endless potential for success, but it takes work to get noticed. It may sound surprising, but your best bet for reaching the top of the ranks is to scope out your biggest competitors! Finding out what works for other influencers is a great way to experiment with what could also work for you, so do a little bit of digging. Research influencers with similar brands and aesthetics and study them to figure out what techniques you can use as well.

Austin Kleon’s book Steal Like an Artist talks about using this method to unlock your own creativity and it works! By using their techniques and successes as a guidebook, you can write your own success story.

Focus on the right platform

There are lots of social media platforms, and a common mistake that a lot of new influencers make is trying to max out on all of them at the same time. Social media is a must, but you need to consider the time and effort it’s going to take to maintain your presence there. Trying to work multiple platforms at 100% energy is going to cause you to burn out quickly. A better idea is to simplify by carefully selecting the platform that will be the most effective at promoting your brand and allowing fans to find you easily.

Let’s look at Twitter. Twitter is super lenient with content, so it should be your go-to for posting more risque content. Instagram, on the other hand, does not allow for much more than booties and cleavage. That doesn’t make one more valuable than the other, it just means you’re better off choosing one platform for the majority of your efforts while the other can be a supplemental tool. There are plenty of adult influencers who post mainly on Instagram, and still others who stick to Twitter without giving IG a second glance. It’s all about knowing where your audience is and how to reach them.

Be Consistent with Your Brand

Speaking of branding, the type of influencer you’re going to be is one of the most important decisions you can make when you decide on this career, and being consistent with your branding is just as important. Staying loyal to your brand means winning loyal fans. Your unique personality needs to shine through no matter what and where you’re posting.

Show, don’t tell

You should never have to tell your fans who you are—they should know the minute they click on your profile. That’s why it’s important to show fans what they can expect from you. But knowing the difference between showing and telling can be very tricky, so let’s check out an example.

Telling looks like this: Follow me for super-hot camming action! I post incredible pics and videos that will make all your dreams come true!
So what’s wrong with this example? It’s boring! You’re telling people what they can expect in a very matter-of-fact way without letting any personality shine through.

Showing looks like this: I’m the girl-next-door you always wanted to spy on. Now you can.

But this example is interesting! You’re not telling your fans anything, instead you’re painting an intriguing picture of what kind of experience following you is going to be. You’re not selling facts, you’re offering an experience, which is why it’s so important to understand the difference. Your profile is the first thing fans are going to see, so that’s the first thing you’ve gotta sell.

Do a live show

Live content is a huge selling point! This is time that your fans get to spend with you, their favorite influencer! We’re living in the future and live interactions are where it’s at. Your live shows don’t have to be X-rated, all they have to do is showcase what is uniquely you, because that’s what your fans love.

In the same vein, engagement on social media is extremely important. You don’t want your fans to feel like they’re screaming into a chasm, you want to be sure that they feel heard. The only way to really do this is to simply interact with them. They take the time to comment and like on your posts, so you can take a bit of time to return the favor. Do you have to reply to every comment? No, of course not. But making your presence known in the comment section is a great way to win loyalty.

Know how to work a hashtag

Hashtags are a great way to find new traffic but using hashtags the wrong way can turn around and bite you in the ass. Loading your post with a ton of tags is never the best idea. You also run the risk of using the wrong hashtag (like one that has a shadowban attached to it) which could hide your post from prospective buyers. Before you post, do your hashtag research to find the most relevant tags and whether or not they’ve been banned. Hashtags can be added on to the end of the post (in moderation!) or in a comment underneath your post. Every comment counts as great engagement, even if they’re the one who made it!

At the end of the day, social media loyalty is a two-way street, so do your due diligence before you post! Engaging with your fans, consistent branding, and intriguing content all take work, but they’ll also bring you big results!