FSC Kicks Off Summer Vaccination Drive

LOS ANGELES — Free Speech Coalition is encouraging adult performers and other on-set crew to get vaccinated for COVID-19, following recent guidance from the CDC and Cal/OSHA allowing vaccinated workers to forgo COVID-19 testing.

FSC has released a line of t-shirts — “Vaxxed, Waxed and Ready for (_|_)” — to help encourage encourage others to vaccinate.

“Vaccination is the easiest and quickest way for adult production to return to normal,” says Michelle L. LeBlanc, CEO of Free Speech Coalition. “It helps protect both you and your co-workers from serious infection, reduces transmission, and decreases overall risk in our communities. We created the t-shirts to help people show off their vax status, and encourage others to do the same.”

According to a recent survey of PASS performers and crew, nearly 80% of the 563 respondents are fully vaccinated, with another 8% who are partially vaccinated or planning to get the vaccine. The remaining 12% said they do not plan to get vaccinated.

PASS updated its guidance regarding testing on June 4, following a meeting of the Cal/OSHA Standards Board. Testing for vaccinated individuals is no longer necessary, though face coverings, temperature checks, and health screenings are all still recommended. If employers establish different protocols for vaccinated workers, employers must document vaccine status — such as use of the PASS database. PASS participants can use this form to have their vaccination status verified and displayed in PASS.

To find a vaccination location near you, visit vaccines.gov.

To get an FSC “Vaxxed” t-shirt, visit freespeechcoalition.com/fsc-store.

