Fred Schecter, president and owner of Maximotion Company, LLC, the makers of Fleshcards, is very excited about his good fortune last week. He received a free plug on the Howard Stern radio show, followed by a free plug on the David Letterman show the same night.
While talking about his upcoming appearance on Letterman on November 12, Stern suggested that he’d plug someone’s product while he was on late night talk show for $100,000. At that time, he was handed a Fleshcard by Gary, who said that they were a new sponsor of the show. And Stern proceeded to plug away.
But Fleshcards, nude holographic cards, weren’t a sponsor of the show.
“We were talking about it. We were working on a proposal to do something with the cards. What happened was that Gary had the cards and didn’t know that we hadn’t signed the contracts,” Schecter said.
But hearing the plug got Schecter excited, and he went down that same day to sign a contract to advertise on the show.
When he got home he found out that he had received a second free plug: Stern talking about the cards during his appearance on Letterman’s show.
The name of the product was never actually mentioned, but Schecter thinks the message came through loud and clear.
“Everybody knows what Fleshcards are now. The broadcast of Howard’s show, and then when Stern plugged it on the Letterman show - that just nailed it,” Schecter said.
And now he gets to bill his products as having been featured on both shows. And it brought in some business.
“The calls were coming in, and we got orders, not as high as we’d like but. more importantly, the retailers and the Webmasters are aware of the product. It lends such credibility to the product,” Schecter suggested.
And now Schecter is hoping that if he actually pays Stern to plug, he’ll see some real results. Today, he went into a studio with Victoria Zdrok to have her record some commercials that he’ll air on Stern next week.
You can learn more about Fleshcards at their Website, or by calling 1-866-Fleshcards (866-353-7422).