Fences Have Been Mended

Having returned from Mexico where he spent the Christmas holidays, Kid Vegas says he's stocking up on canned food for Y2K in his new digs in Studio City. "I was hoping to go sleigh riding in Mexico but they didn't have any snow down there," Vegas astutely observed. "But I went down there and picked up some presents for everyone in the industry. I want to be touring all the parties at CES and I'm going to be distributing roofies in everybody's drinks." Vegas described his bukakke altercation with Jack Hammer as "just a little argument."

"It was nothing we couldn't work out," he added. "We've been friends for a long, long time." Vegas says he's chilling out and working for other people. "Kid Vegas is for hire if anybody wants to hire me. I'm not going to be shooting my own videos."

Jeff from Legend hastens to mention that The Kid is non-exclusive to Legend. "He's free to do what he wants," says Jeff. "Kid Vegas is his own entity. Kid Vegas only does one movie every two months for us. I can't expect him to make a living doing that. The Kid's a genius but can only come up with so many creative ideas. He's free to shoot for whomever he wants to.

"We're still coming out with all the action figures and the 70mm film in surround sound," Jeff hastens to point out. "That's all coming up with Trenchcoat Pornographer. But we might put a label on the box saying drugs must be taken to view this video.

"I haven't spoken to him in awhile, but the last time I did he was all excited that he got Kid Vegas T-shirts which, on the front of the shirt it says, 'Kid Vegas sez' and on the back it says, 'Who's Your Daddy?' He's very excited about his T-shirts."