Defiance Films Launches Contest

Justine's Red Letters, the first in a new series from Defiance Films, created a buzz with fans who responded with personal submissions. Now Defiance Films and Torrid Entertainment will launch a contest encouraging more fan activity for the next title in the series.

"We had so much fun shooting Justine's Red Letters, which was a vignette-styled title with the scenes coming directly from fan mail, that we want to take it to another level," said Keith O'Connor, head of production for Defiance. "We plan on shooting one of these titles a month, with a different star headlining each title and reading the fan mail.”

In addition to allowing fans to contribute their ideas, Defiance is offering one lucky fan a special reward.

“What we're going to do is allow the 'star' of each title to choose her favorite letter from that title and we'll fly the author out here to LA to watch the filming of the movie and even appear on camera, if they are comfortable, with the star as the mail is read," O'Connor said.

Defiance Films and Torrid Entertainment are currently working out the details of the contest and will be posting all the rules on their website,, where budding authors can submit their original ideas directly to the company. There will also be a physical address posted for those who prefer snail mail as well as the cut-off date. The site will be also place for fans to sound off about who they'd like to see in the next title.

“We give them some options so they have direction, and then we allow them to choose which of the girls they'd like to see performing in the series next," O'Connor said.

Until the website is ready to go, O'Connor says fans can start submitting their "Letters" to [email protected].

Justine's Red Letters, starring Justine Joli and directed by Shy Love, streets July 27.