COVID-19 Pandemic Makes GFF Distribution Adjust DVD Operations

VALENCIA, Calif.Girlfriends Films Distribution, which distributes not only its own DVD productions but those of several other companies as well, is making adjustments to production and delivery of DVD products in response to the global coronavirus outbreak. Yesterday the company sent an announcement to its retail partners regarding a temporary pause of DVD replication.

Included was a message from Moose, President of Girlfriends Films, stating, “At this time DVD replication by manufacturers for Girlfriends Films Distribution is on pause. Please note we have product ready to go as soon as production resumes.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to navigate these unprecedented times in our industry.”

The international distributor of major adult film labels plans to continue shipping existing product, with warehouse staff working limited hours and following safety and social distancing protocols. Also taking preventative action are FedEx and UPS, who are continuing operations under the direction of guidelines from the CDC and World Health Organizations.

Moose noted, “We currently have an extensive catalog in the warehouse, produced by our incredible family of studios, and we will continue sending product to our customers while adhering to recommended safety and social distancing guidelines.”

For more information and the latest updates, visit Girlfriends Films and Girlfriends Films Distribution online and on Twitter @GF_Films; Instagram and Facebook.