Clips4Sale Welcomes Two New Producers

TAMPA, Fla.Clips4Sale, the original downloadable video clips site, has been around for more than 14 years. And that longevity, the company points out, can be attributed to its understanding that the more content you provide, the more people you attract.

Queen Jennifer Marie, one of the newest producers for Clips4Sale, specializes in financial domination. She’s ready for viewers to devote their lives—and wallets—to her. Her store is doing well, which Queen (as she demands to be called) chalks it up to her love of “watching beta males fall deep into full submission for her” and “sacrificing their every penny to make their Queen’s life lavish.” Her store can be found here.

Model Zoe Page is very excited about her new store she runs with her producer friend, David. “David and I have been involved with many producers and now we’ve finally opened our own store on Clips4Sale. The only question is why in heaven’s sake we’ve left it so long,” Page said. “I’ve had the best fun making the clips. When I get an email saying a clip has been sold, it’s a wonderful feeling. I imagine who may have bought the clip and hope they’ve really enjoyed it!” Her store can be found here.

“We’re thrilled when new producers and models open stores,” said Clips4Sale owner Neil. “Clips4Sale has something for everyone. Producers and models not only enjoy more than 20,000,000 visitors to the site each month and amazing sales, but they also feel at home letting their freak flag and creativity fly. Many of them will open multiple stores, so they increase their sales even more.”

Performers can start their own store by visiting