LOS ANGELES — CLEAR, the Miami-based, PASS-certified industry testing facility, said Tuesday that it's one-click solution for the verification of test results was driven by their commitment to the health and safety of performers.
CLEAR indicated that from Day 1 they knew fake test results were an issue in the industry, so they wanted to ensure that would never be an issue with their lab. With CLEAR, performers can log into their account and click on the QR code on the home page, then show it to anyone who wants to verify their current status. There is no need to download apps, upload personal information, type in long codes, or configure stuff on their phones.
"We know there are people out there who care more about staying active than the safety of their counterparts," said Humberto Buniotto, CEO of CLEAR. "We want performers who test with CLEAR to have an easy way to verify each other’s results and ditch screenshots or paper records.
"It’s hard to believe this has been an ongoing issue and the best thing out there was punching in a bunch of numbers into a verification page.”
CLEAR built a fail-safe QR-based, verification protocol that is simple and easy to use so performers can feel confident in the results issued by their lab.
"Better yet, anyone with a phone that has a camera can simply scan our QR code and verify a performer’s status, whether they have a CLEAR account or not—it’s that simple," according to CLEAR.
For more information on how CLEAR’s one-click result verification works, visit getclrd.com/verified or contact the Customer Support Team for assistance.