Cal/OSHA Advisory Meeting to Focus on Bloodborne Pathogen Safety Measures

OAKLAND, Calif.—An adult industry contingent led by the Free Speech Coalition is making its voices heard today on a number of key performer safety issues at the Cal/OSHA Advisory Meeting.

The meeting in progress now at Elihu Harris State Building is about Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Adult Film Industry. The committee is discussing two petitions—Petition 560, which was filed by the Free Speech Coalition, and Petition 557, filed by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation—at the meeting that is a result of a request by the state occupational Standards Board.

Both petitions call for new regulatory language for § 5193 to address exposures to bloodborne pathogens while on porn sets.

The advisory meeting began with a discussion about business structures and employment relationships in the adult film industry with specific questions such as:

-Who makes hiring/casting decisions?

-How are the decisions made?

-Is supervision and/or control exercised over performers during filming/production? If so, in what manner and by whom?

-How are performers paid?

Cal/OSHA was expected to then discuss whether to amend or expand upon the Bloodborne Pathogens standard, bettter known as § 5193.

The questions Cal/OSHA were said to propose include: Are there any alternative methods that have been shown to be at least as effective as condoms? If so, what is the scientific data showing the effectiveness of the alternative methods compared to condoms?

Labor Code Section 142.3 requires the Standards Board to adopt standards at least as effective as the equivalent federal OSHA standards.

The federal and California Bloodborne Pathogens standards require that universal precautions be observed to prevent contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials.

Additionally, Cal/OSHA will discuss whether “additional methods of protection be required, such as any of the following?”

-Vaccines for hepatitis A and human papilloma virus

-Confidential testing and medical exams for HIV, hepatitis C, syphilis, hepatitis B, chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis

-HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis

-Training of employees regarding signs, symptoms, modes of transmission and treatment related to sexually transmitted infections and vaccines for hepatitis A and human papilloma virus.

Also on the agenda today is a discussion about whether “recordkeeping requirements included in the current § 5193 include adequate confidentiality requirements?”

Cal/OSHA’s deputy chief of research and standards, Eric Berg, and the agency’s industrial hygiene manager, Steve Smith, were scheduled to co-chair the meeting.

AVN will report on additional meeting details later today.