Brittany Andrews Teams With Brain Pasta on Genesis NFT Collection

LOS ANGELES—Adult superstar Brittany Andrews has collaborated with contemporary artist Brain Pasta on a new non fungible token or NFT digital art collection titled Genesis.

Saying she is excited at the prospect of tracking the ownership of the NFTs connected to the crypto collectible after it was sold for one Ethereum token ($1,800), Andrews was stunned to discover that corporate finance executive P. Holt Gardiner is currently reselling the one-of-a-kind digital asset for 500 Ethereum ($900,000) on the OpenSea marketplace platform.

“I was actually in a Clubhouse room talking about releasing it when it was bought—which was exciting to be able to say while in the room, ‘Hey, OMG my first NFT just sold!” Andrews explained. “Even though I might not be the first sex worker to do an NFT, I’m still probably one of the first to adapt to this exciting new technology and plan on participating heavily in the NFT space to see where it goes.”

Andrews has long been a part of the Bitcoin space: “Being that sex workers are quite often forced to use alternative payment methods, I learned about blockchain by using Bitcoin and saw its future potential,” she said. “When NFTs first came into the space, I could see this was the way that I had thought blockchain had the potential to be used.”

The industry veteran said she was pleased to be among the first adult performers to get involved with NFTs, which are a unit of data on a digital ledger called a blockchain, where each NFT can represent a unique digital item.

“Being in the adult business for over 30 years ... I've seen how once-valuable content turned into worthless and free over the years," she said. "Now with the rise of the independent fan platforms, our content is once again gaining value. I think this is the perfect time for NFTs to finally come full circle to where our work has value again, and I’m super excited to be one of the first pioneers of porn NFTs.”

Besides her partnership with Brain Pasta, Andrews is looking to transform her artistic work into NFTs to sell to potential buyers. “In addition to creating more digital assets with Brain Pasta, I am looking forward to collaborating with other artists to expand my collections to build my long-term investments,” she said.

Future collaborators include Toby Mott, DoublePops, Necatuss, TempleHap, Zora, Samuel D. York, Davidiainbrown and Erwin Diaz.

To learn more about Andrews and her NFT digital art, visit her personal OpenSea platform, here or visit her AllMyLinks page here. Follow Brain Pasta on  Twitter, Foundation, and Opensea.