Bang! Signs New Distro Deal With SoCal Licensing/Adult Source

LAS VEGAS—Adult Source Media and SoCal Licensing annouce that production studio Bang! has joined the sister companies' distribution roster effective May 1.

Bang! brings a library of content to ASM/SoCal Licensing including popular series Pretty and RawGlamKoreReal TeensTrickeryRoadside XXX and more. 

“Bang! produces high-end content for every customer out there. Unlimited pleasure, unlimited genres!," ASM sales manager Betty León said. "All I can say is that I’m honored to be part of this amazing adventure!" 

The first release under the new deal, Teeny Tiny Little Star 6, is set to street May 24. To order, contact your local distributor or reach out to León at [email protected].

For licensing and broadcasting inquiries, contact Jim at [email protected].

For more information, visit